The First-Year Writing Program @ CCNY

English 21001 Writing for the Humanities Sample Syllabi and Assignments

Syllabus and Portfolio Requirements
In order to ensure that all sections of this course are focused on the same learning outcomes, we ask that you use the portfolio assignment as it is written with no more than minor alterations. Every syllabus must also include the information contained in the syllabus template.

Required Textbook
This course does not have a required textbook.

Syllabus Template
English 21001 Syllabus Template FA18

Portfolio Assignment
English 210 Portfolio Assignment FA18

Sample Open Educational Resources (OER) Syllabus and Assignments

Missy Watson’s English 21001 course materials

Julia Brown’s English 21001 course site and syllabus in .docx format

Pam Stemberg’s OER for 21001

Yolande Brener’s OER for 21001

Shamecca Harris’s OER for 21001

Julia Brown’s OER for 21001