Syllabus and Portfolio Requirements
In order to ensure that all sections of this course are focused on the same learning outcomes, we ask that you use the portfolio assignment as it is written with no more than minor alterations. Every syllabus must also include the information contained in the syllabus template.
Required Textbook
this course does not have a required textbook.
Recommended: FieldWorking: Reading and Writing Research 4th ed. by B. Stone Sunstein and E. Chiseri-Strater (Bedford St. Martin’s)
Syllabus Template
English 21002 Syllabus Template FA18
Syllabus Guidelines
English 21002 Syllabus Guidelines FA18
Portfolio Assignment
English 210 Portfolio Assignment FA18
Sample Syllabus and Assignments
Caits Meissner: Sample Syllabus
ENGL 21002 EC2 Fall 17 Meissner
Caits Meissner: Course Assignments
Sample Assignments